The FDA requires employees to be trained in the current good manufacturing practice 21CFR211 as they relate to the employee's functions to help assure the safety and efficacy of drug products.
-You want to quickly and efficiently be trained on the FDA's 2016 version of the cGMP for finished pharmaceuticals,
-you want to train more of your staff on the GMP economically and without having to immobilize them in a class for a full day,
-you do NOT have time to allocate a full day to take a LIVE class on the GMP requirements and 21CFR210 and 211, revised as of December 22, 2016,
-you want improve your résumé and career opportunities in the Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology industry with qualifications in the GMP, by adding this industry-wide recognized course to the education or training section of your CV,
-you want to to strenghten the implementation of the Good Manufacturing Practices within your organization by training more staff,
the FDA's GMP for finished pharmaceuticals online course is the solution:
SAE is among the world's leading standards developers that provides consensus standards and lifelong learning programs for the Automotive, Aerospace, and Commercial vehicle sectors. Since 1999, CALISO courses have been the most popular and most widely used training courses in English, with over 30,000 trainees in the US and worldwide. The standards and regulations are provided online under licensing agreements.
"I just completed the Interactive online training for the GMP. I liked the fact that I was able to take the class at my convenience from my desk at work. I was able to allocate a few hours over a 4-day period to take the class. The layout of the on-line training was easy to follow. All of the regulation requirements were very easy-to-understand. Also, since each section was followed by a short quiz the entire process didn't feel overwhelming."
Julie C.
Hagmann - ISO Coordinator of Baxter
Corporation-Pleasanton Division
cost-effective uniform training for a management and
sales staff that is located world-wide is difficult at
best. Arranging travel and schedules to ensure that
everyone can get to the training is next to impossible.
researching a number of online training solutions, I
found CALISO's program to offer the best bang for the
Jerry Bunch -
Senior Quality Manager of Boundless Manufacturing
Upon registration using Visa, American Express, or MasterCard you will receive an invoice, and an E-mail notification with the password and link to login and take the class. PO purchases are available for corporate and Federal Government account.
registration is done through a secure socket, so there is
no risk for your credit card information, which is
protected and cannot be intercepted.
If you register
multiple users you will receive a password for each one
of them.
To take the training:
if your connection is slow, do not click on buttons such
as "Submit", "Login" or
"Score" twice.
your browser disk cache on a regular basis to optimize
the performance of your browser.
ease of readability select "Verdana" as your
display font.
not disable cookies. If you are planning to
leave the training for more than 20 minutes, "Save
and Exit". The training session times-out after 20
minutes of inactivity.
User Links:
Go directly to training Login screen
Forgot your User ID or Password or Invoice Number
Consult the GMP for finished pharmaceuticals regulation - 21CFR210-211
Links to the Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), the Medical Device GMP, and the Food GMP.